Are we there yet?
What's distance?
Distance functions dist(p, q)
Distances (distance field values) can be obtained by
to blend the "in"-color:
colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, step(0.0, distance));
to calculate fade-widthsmoothstep
colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, smoothstep(0.0, fwidth(distance), distance));
colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, smoothstep(0.0, glowDistance, distance));
in the mix
uniform sampler2D u_SdfMap;
varying vec4 v_Color;
varying vec2 v_TexCoord;
void main() {
float distance = texture2D(u_SdfMap, v_TexCoord).a;
float width = fwidth(distance);
float alpha = smoothstep(0.5 - width, 0.5 + width, distance) * v_Color.a;
gl_FragColor = vec4(v_Color.rgb, alpha);
Problems with SDF's
Basic idea:
Note: there are more efficient algorithms out there.
Now let's use some shaders for that :-)
Alternative to distance maps: evaluate a distance function!
circle(pos, center, rad) = length(pos - center) - rad;
diamond(pos, center, rad) = dot(abs(pos - center), vec2(1.0)) - rad;
union(dist1, dist2) = min(dist1, dist2);
subtract(dist1, dist2) = max(-dist1, dist2);
intersect(dist1 = dist2) = max(dist1, dist2);
circle(pos, center, rad) = sqrt(pow(pos - center, 2.0)) - rad;
diamond(pos, center, rad) = dot(abs(pos - center), vec2(1.0)) - rad;
union(dist1, dist2) = min(dist1, dist2);
subtract(dist1, dist2) = max(-dist1, dist2);
intersect(dist1 = dist2) = max(dist1, dist2);
rotate(coord) = mat2(cos(ang), -sin(ang), sin(ang), cos(ang)) * coord;
Let's see what we can do with the following setup:
Slightly different scenario:
vec3 drawQuad(vec3 col, vec2 coord,
vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 p3, vec2 p4,
float thickness, vec3 oldColor)
float sideA = sign(cross2D(coord - p1, p2 - p1));
float sideB = sign(cross2D(coord - p2, p3 - p2));
float sideC = sign(cross2D(coord - p3, p4 - p3));
float sideD = sign(cross2D(coord - p4, p1 - p4));
float dst = abs(sideA - sideB) + abs(sideB - sideC)
+ abs(sideC - sideD) + abs(sideD - sideA);
dst = clamp(dst, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 res = mix(col, oldColor, dst);
res = drawLine(col, coord, p1, p2, thickness, res);
res = drawLine(col, coord, p2, p3, thickness, res);
res = drawLine(col, coord, p3, p4, thickness, res);
res = drawLine(col, coord, p4, p1, thickness, res);
return res;
Raytracing is a rendering method
Raymarching is related to raytracing
Implementation in a fragment shader:
r = generateRayForProjection(texCoord, fov);
while !(step-limit || z-limit)
d = getClosestDistanceWithScene
if (hitpoint < threshold)
break; CommenceShading
r.origin += r.dir * d;
if CommenceShading
Potentially repeat above (shadow, reflection, AO, ...)
Great overview of distance functions here
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(a, b)
min(a, b)
max(-a, b)
max(a, b)
Shading needs a normal: evaluate the scene around the hitpoint to obtain new "hitpoints" that form the normal.
Marching the scene from the hitpoint along the normal can be usefull for other Illumination effects:
In most real life applications we don't have many distance functions:
In order to still use the benefits, we need to combine
Let's unroll it back-to-front:
Voxel cone tracing:
How do we use the SVO?
How do we store things in there?
How does the geometry come into play?