cgTalk #04

Fun with distance fields

Are we there yet?

Sebastian Schaefer

A note on navigation

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  • Distances
  • 2D-Distance maps
  • 2D-Distance functions
  • 3D-Distance fields - functions
  • 3D-Distance fields - geometries



What's distance?

  • the property created by space between two points
  • What's space? $~\rightarrow~\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2, \mathbb{R}^3$

Distance functions dist(p, q)

  • euclidean distance:$~\textbf{dist}(p, q) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{n}{(p_i - q_i)^2}}$
  • manhattan distance:$~\textbf{dist}(p, q) = \sum_{i=0}^{n}{\lvert p_i - q_i\rvert}$

Distance fields

Distances (distance field values) can be obtained by

  • sampling distance field maps
    • greyscale, rgba-encoded, ...
    • great for complex patterns (glyphs, ...)
  • evaluating distance functions
    • euclidean, manhattan, ...
    • no sampling!
    • only trivial "objects"

Using distances


  • 2D: texture Coordinate, 2D-coordinate on surface, ...
  • 3D: generated 3D (camera)-ray, ...


  • boolean: use mix to blend the "in"-color:
    colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, step(0.0, distance));
  • anti-aliasing fade:
    • use fwidth to calculate fade-width
    • blend between 0-1 using smoothstep
    colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, smoothstep(0.0, fwidth(distance), distance));
  • bonus: widen the falloff for a glow
    colRes = mix(colIn, colRes, smoothstep(0.0, glowDistance, distance));

glsl smoothste

2D-Distance maps


SDF - Signed Distance Field

  • encode distance to the other side using signs
    • 0, distance to 1: $ \rightarrow <0$
    • 1, distance to 0: $ \rightarrow >0$
  • shift distance into "single-channel" range:
    • $<0 \rightarrow [0; 0.5)$
    • $>0 \rightarrow (0.5; 1.0]$

Using SDF 1/3

  1. load small sdf-map with bilinear filter!
  2. sample distance field texture
  3. use 0.5 as an edge between color A and color B
  4. throw a fwidth in the mix

      uniform sampler2D u_SdfMap;

  varying vec4 v_Color;
  varying vec2 v_TexCoord;

  void main() {
    float distance = texture2D(u_SdfMap, v_TexCoord).a;
    float width = fwidth(distance);
    float alpha = smoothstep(0.5 - width, 0.5 + width, distance) * v_Color.a;
    gl_FragColor = vec4(v_Color.rgb, alpha);

nearest | bilinear

Using SDF 2/3

  • small sdf-map allows for large rendering
  • fast: single HW-based filtered value + minimal computation
  • dynamic thickness: change the edge-value

from 64x64

source: valve

Using SDF 3/3

Problems with SDF's

  • fine structures are lost in SDF sampling
  • bilinear interpolation can be recognized (see here)
  • multiple bit-planes not always combinable (see here)

Generating a SDF

Basic idea:

  1. Input:
    • large texture (e.g. $4096^2$)
    • target output size (e.g. $64^2$)
    • spread for effect (e.g. $32$)
  2. Calculate distance field for target texture:
    • for every texel calc corresponding in/out value
    • calculate distance to nearest "other" texel
  3. map distance into target-range

Note: there are more efficient algorithms out there.

Generating a SDF on the GPU 1/2

Now let's use some shaders for that :-)

  • use ping-pong Render-To-Texture: A $\rightarrow$ B $\rightarrow$ A
  • Filter original-sized images with simple GLSL Image-Filters:
    1. Store marked bit & target vector to other side
    2. Detect edges in source image: mark it, target=(0/0)
    3. Iterative PP-RTT until whole texture marked:
      • For every pixel of current texture
        • if (not marked) & any(neighbour $n$ marked):
          • mark current
          • target = min($n$.target + ($n$ - current))
    4. Convert target vector to distance (max distance = $s\sqrt{2}$)
    5. Render texture into final texture for target resolution

Generating a SDF on the GPU 2/2

input image
step 16
step 4
step 32
output image

2D-Distance functions

2D-Distance functions

Alternative to distance maps: evaluate a distance function!

  • For certain primitives a function is easy:
    circle(pos, center, rad)  = length(pos - center) - rad;
    diamond(pos, center, rad) = dot(abs(pos - center), vec2(1.0)) - rad;
  • Even complex shapes can be realized: Antialiased 2D Grid, Marker, and Arrow Shaders
  • works great with fragment derivative antialiasing!
  • functions can be combined (think CSG!) and repeated
    union(dist1, dist2)  = min(dist1, dist2);
    subtract(dist1, dist2) = max(-dist1, dist2);
    intersect(dist1 = dist2) = max(dist1, dist2);
  • the coordinate system can be transformed

Simple 2D-Distance functions 1/2

circle(pos, center, rad)  = sqrt(pow(pos - center, 2.0)) - rad;
diamond(pos, center, rad) = dot(abs(pos - center), vec2(1.0)) - rad;

Simple 2D-Distance functions 2/2

union(dist1, dist2)  = min(dist1, dist2);
subtract(dist1, dist2) = max(-dist1, dist2);
intersect(dist1 = dist2) = max(dist1, dist2);
rotate(coord) = mat2(cos(ang), -sin(ang), sin(ang), cos(ang)) * coord;

2D Metaballs

  • Metaballs are organic looking objects, that can "stick" together.
  • Each ball is defined through a distance function $f$: $$f(x, y, z) = \frac{1}{(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2}$$
  • The distance of multiple metaballs is added together: $$balls(x, y, z) = \sum_{i=0}^{n}f_i(x, y, z)$$
  • If the summed distance is bigger than a threshold, the metaball is depicted solid.

Animating multiple 2D Metaballs

shadertoy (the23)

Animating 2D-Distance functions

Let's see what we can do with the following setup:

  • distance functions: circle + x-axis-parallel rectangle
  • screen segmented into 2d-grid of cells
  • use time for animation

grid rectangle circle
Hint: We could move something circle-like along some cells, possibly highlighted by a rect!

Animating 2D-Distance functions

Complex example: 2D-Distance functions

Slightly different scenario:

  • Keep the circle.
  • Add a distance function for a heart. (tad complicated, see Antialiased 2D Grid, Marker, and Arrow Shaders....)
  • Add a distance function for a quad:
    vec3 drawQuad(vec3 col, vec2 coord, 
                  vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 p3, vec2 p4, 
                  float thickness, vec3 oldColor)
        float sideA = sign(cross2D(coord - p1, p2 - p1));
        float sideB = sign(cross2D(coord - p2, p3 - p2));
        float sideC = sign(cross2D(coord - p3, p4 - p3));
        float sideD = sign(cross2D(coord - p4, p1 - p4));
        float dst = abs(sideA - sideB) + abs(sideB - sideC) 
                  + abs(sideC - sideD) + abs(sideD - sideA);
        dst = clamp(dst, 0.0, 1.0);
        vec3 res = mix(col, oldColor, dst);
        res = drawLine(col, coord, p1, p2, thickness, res);
        res = drawLine(col, coord, p2, p3, thickness, res);
        res = drawLine(col, coord, p3, p4, thickness, res);
        res = drawLine(col, coord, p4, p1, thickness, res);
        return res;

Complex example: 2D-Distance functions

3D-Distance fields

Raymarching - Functions

(Recap) Raytracing

Raytracing is a rendering method

  • Rays (from the camera) are traced through the scene:
  • A view (or secondary, ...) ray is intersected with the scene
  • Result is an exact, "singular" hit with "noise" artefacts


Raymarching is related to raytracing

  • Rays from the camera are marched through the scene:
  • At every step distances to all scene objects are evaluated
  • The smallest distances leads to a new startpoint
  • The march terminates if either
    distance $<$ threshold || z-Limit || step limit


Implementation in a fragment shader:

r = generateRayForProjection(texCoord, fov);
while !(step-limit || z-limit)
    d = getClosestDistanceWithScene
    if (hitpoint < threshold)
        break; CommenceShading
    r.origin += r.dir * d;
if CommenceShading
    Potentially repeat above (shadow, reflection, AO, ...)
iterations visualized

Raymarching - Distance Functions

Great overview of distance functions here

  • Distort/transform the input position for a model
  • repeat the primitive position
  • CSG (a, b):
    • union: min(a, b)
    • subtract: max(-a, b)
    • intersect: max(a, b)

Raymarching - Scene

Here's a full, complex example on what can be done:

Raymarching - Illumination

Shading needs a normal: evaluate the scene around the hitpoint to obtain new "hitpoints" that form the normal.


  • The amount of light that shines onto a surface determines if it's in shadow.
  • This is determined by the visibility of the lights from a surfacepoint.
  • Trace again: from light towards hitpoint:
    • if you hit something else, hitpoint must be in shadow.
  • Bonus: soft shadows (penumbra) are cheap :-)

Raymarching - AO & reflection

Marching the scene from the hitpoint along the normal can be usefull for other Illumination effects:

  • AmbientOcclusion is calculated by marching the scene around the normal
  • Reflections can be calculated by marching the scene along the normal

3D-Distance fields*

Raymarching - Geometries

*ok, it's not really distances, but still fun and related ... somewhat

Raymarching - Geometries

In most real life applications we don't have many distance functions:

  • we have polygonal geometries,
  • where it's pretty darn hard to come up with distance functions!

In order to still use the benefits, we need to combine

  • triangle-based geometries and
  • distances for them

... something like the distance maps, but 3D...

enter.... *drummroll*

SVO - Sparse Voxel Octrees


SVO - Sparse Voxel Octrees

Let's unroll it back-to-front:

  • Octree: 3D-equivalent of a 2D-Quadtree of a 1D-binary tree.
    • base: cube, that can be split along 3 axis in 8 sub-cubes
  • Voxel: each node contains volumetric information:
    • what's in that space, what's inside the cube?
  • Sparse: the octree of voxels is sparsely populated. Easy :-).

SVO - Sparse Voxel Octrees

SVO - Sparse Voxel Octrees


  • Huge Octree (GB's) on HD, load needed parts into memory
  • Hybrid approach:
    • Primary rays (cam): push geometry through rasterizer
    • Following rays: Cone trace through SVO
    Cone tracing: inexact, but not noisy $\rightarrow$ perfect for lighting!

Voxel cone tracing:

  • Start with bias size
  • Progressively increase step size
  • Lookup radiance & occlusion
  • Accumulate light with occlusion
  • Stop if occluded or too far
  • Bonus: smooth occluders are further away $\rightarrow$ cheaper

SVO - Sparse Voxel Octrees

How do we use the SVO?

  • Store distances in the octree
  • Store material information

How do we store things in there?
How does the geometry come into play?

  • Voxelize the scene into the octree!
  • At runtime

... and no, I'm not kidding....

Unreal Engine 4

UE4 Elemental Demo

UE4 - Voxel Lighting

UE4 Voxel Lighting Demo
source: Epic Games

UE4 - Voxel Lighting

Voxel Lighting Data
Octree Lion
Full 3D-Scene
Octree Stanford Dragon

source: Epic Games

UE4 - Elemental Demo



Selected References